@thesis{thesis, author={LARRY NICHOLAS and Shanti Dwita and Susi }, title ={PENGARUH KONDISI POST MORTEM IKAN PATIN (PANGASIUS DJAMBAL) DENGAN KEMATIAN LANGSUNG YANG DISIMPAN PADA SUHU BERBEDA TERHADAP MUTU FILLETNYA}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9774/}, abstract={This study aimed to determine the time of occurrence of the post mortem phase of catfish which was directly deceased (spiking right at the medulla oblongata), to find out time interval of post mortem in fish given settings at chilling and room temperatures based on organoleptic values and rigor index; and to determine the freshness quality of catfish fillet made in different post mortem phases. This study was divided into 2 stages, i.e. preliminary study and advance study. Statistical analyses were done using one way anova and kruskal wallis for parametric and non parametric data respectively. The parameters of this study included rigor index, pH value, TVB and organoleptic test. The preliminary study results showed that catfish at room temperature entered the post mortem time at 0 (pre rigor), 2 (rigor mortis) and 14 (post rigor) hours with rigor index values of 0%, 27%, 8%, while at chilling temperatures at 0 (pre rigor), 6 (rigor mortis) hours with rigor index values of 0%, and 69%. Advance study results showed that at all settings, TVB value were significantly different, while the pH values were significantly different at pre rigor phase of chilling temperature, and at rigor mortis phase of room temperature. Organoleptic test on fillet results showed significant difference at all settings, and on each sensory analysis, i.e the appearance of whole meat, the appearance of meat color, odor and texture of fillet at chilling and room temperatures. Keywords: catfish, fillet, post mortem, rigor index.} }