@thesis{thesis, author={Cecil and Hapizah and JUMAINI }, title ={APLIKASI PENGOLAHAN DATA PRAKTEK KERJA INDUSTRI (PRAKERIN) DI SMK NEGERI 3 PALEMBANG BERBASIS WEBSITE}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/978/}, abstract={Palembang State Vocational High School 3 in terms of data processing Industrial Work Practices (Prakerin) is still less effective and efficient because the data processing is still recorded by way of handwriting into industrial work practice books so that it takes a long time to process the data. This application can be made using the Waterfall system development method which consists of engineering and system modeling, software requirements analysis, design, coding, permission and maintenance. The data that is processed is the data list of students 'industrial work practices, industrial work practice data, data on the value of industrial work practices and industrial work practice journal data that produce data reports on students' industrial work practices.} }