@thesis{thesis, author={M. TANDRY and RR. Yunita Bayu }, title ={PERENCANAAN MANAJEMEN STOCKPILE BATUBARA DI PT. MUARA ALAM SEJAHTERA DI TANJUNG BARU, PALEMBANG, SUMATERA SELATAN}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9801/}, abstract={PT. Muara Alam Sejahtera is a child company under the company called Baramulti which engaged in coal mining industry, having a mine located at Lahat, Sumatera Selatan. PT. Muara Alam Sejahtera made a work contract with PT. Kereta Api Indonesia for transportation of the coal to the dock. The dock then later will be used as temporary stockpile, before the coal can be sent to the buyer. For a stockpile to work well, good management system is needed. Planning of management system need to calculate couple of factors like, location condition, production target and also quantity and quality of the coal. The management system that will be used is called FiFo (First in First out). FiFo is a system which the first product to enter, is the first product to be taken out. With the help of heavy machinery like wheel loader, excavator backhoe, dump truck, and barge loading conveyor, also facility like work office, electricity, water and human resources, hopefully will able to support stockpile performance.} }