@thesis{thesis, author={Agus and MALIKA and Nurhayati }, title ={PENGARUH MEDIA WALL CHART TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MENULIS TEKS ANEKDOT SISWA KELAS X SMA NEGERI 1 INDRALAYA SELATAN}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9812/}, abstract={This research aims to determine the effect of wallchartlearning media on the ability to write anecdote text in tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Indralaya Selatan. This study used a quasi-experimental method. The sample in this research were 58 students which were divided in two classes which are class of X.IIS 2with the total 0f 29 students as the experimental group, receiving treatment using wallchart learning media and class of X.IIS 1 with the total of 29 students as the control class who received treatment using picture media. The technique to collect the data were using test and data processing techniques using the t-test calculation computed with SPSS 20 program. The result showed that there were differences in the test result between the experimental class and the control class. The experimental class obtained an average initial test score of 50,72 and a control class 49,21. While the average value of the final test of the experimental class is 74,07 and the control class is 64,03. From the results of the t-test calculation which proves that t-count>t-table= 8,378>2,003 with df= 56 at success rate of 95% (?=0,025). This shows that the ability to write anecdote text of tenth grade students of SMANegeri1IndralayaSelatan in the experimental class has a significant influence. Therefore, wallchartmedia has an effect on the ability to write description text of tenth grade students of SMANegeri1IndralayaSelatan.} }