@thesis{thesis, author={Abro M. Akib and FILLY and M. Taufik }, title ={PERENCANAAN SISTEM PENYALIRAN PADA AREA STOCKPILE BATUBARA PT. MUARA ALAM SEJAHTERA DI TANJUNG BARU, PALEMBANG, SUMATERA SELATAN}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9815/}, abstract={PT. Muara Alam Sejahtera is a private company which engaged in coal mining sector. That coal mining is located at West Merapi Kabupaten Lahat. The company uses surface mining method. After the coal is mined, the coal where is at mine front is cleaned and processed to lose stone and gaunge matterial The coal has been mined by PT. Muara Alam Sejahtera Unit Pertambangan Kabupaten Lahat then sent or transported to Unit Stockpile Kota Palembang before marketed. There are two PT. Muara Alam Sejahtera?s S stockpile at Palembang which is Kertapati and Tanjung Baru. If coal is acccomodated at Kertapati is filled to capacity, so PT. Muara Alam Sejahtera make Tannjung Baru Stockpile located at Tanjung Baru, Kelurahan Keramasan, Kecamatan Kertapati. The Tanjung Baru stockpile is 24 Ha with 16.000 MT capacity and the stockpile located adjacent to the musi river for easy selling. The coal is stockpiled at open area so that rainwater will get in to stockpile area will obstruct activity at stockpile therefore drainage area is so needed. Drainage system at Tanjung Baru stockpile is by making open canal. The canal?s function to drain the water which enter the stockpile area to mud settling pond. The canal located surrounding stockpile area which is westside, middle, north, and east stockpile in other hand the mud settling pond locsted at east side area is functioned to contain the water mixed with coal mud at stockpile and streamed through canal and ponded it at settling pond therefore when it is streamed to river so will not pollute the environment.. After determining location of the canal and mud settling pond so the catchment area is 0.1884 km2 from catchment area and rainfall plan from that location the water debit which enter the stockpile area is 0,7054 m2/ detik. To contain water entering to stockpile area needed open canal dimension with water depth (d) = 0,7014 m; canal depth (h) = 0,8416 m; base canal widht (b) = 0,8066 m; surface widht (B)= 1,62 m; camal outside length (a)= 0,8099 with the flow is 0,6978 m3 / detik and the mud settling pond dimension with mud settling pold volume ;= 2077,8071 m3 by that volume has settling time 20,215 minures and doing once dredging every 42 days.} }