@thesis{thesis, author={AULIA DILA and Kholek Abdul}, title ={PELAYANAN SOSIAL TERHADAP ORANG DALAM GANGGUAN JIWA (ODGJ) DI YAYASAN MUTIARA TANJUNG ENIM}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/98446/}, abstract={This research, whose title is "Social Services for People with Mental Health Issues at Mutiara Tanjung Enim Foundation", aims to discover the social services for people with mental health issues at Mutiara Tanjung Enim Foundation, as well as to find the obstacles in providing the aforementioned services. It uses a qualitative research method, where the data are collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. The research results show that there is a promotive-social service in the form of socialization, in which it has been going well and accepted by the society. Its purpose is to reinforce the services for people with mental health issues (specifically in Tanjung Enim), spread information concerning people with mental health issues and the factors which may trigger it, as well as provide information regarding the countermeasures - one of which is through the socialization - at the society in Tanjung Enim and its surrounding area. As for the preventive-social service, it is in the form of prevention; in which one can prevent mental health issues by not overthinking, solve their problems properly, take a bath daily, eat regularly, pray frequently, as well as have enough sleep. Furthermore, curative social service is in the form of healing, where one of the best way is by interacting with the patients, use medicine, do activities, pray, as well as entertainment. The setbacks which are faced by Mutiara Foundation in performing those three services are a lack of funding and human resources. Keywords: Social Services, people with mental health issues} }