@thesis{thesis, author={Emilia Agustina Tuty and PISCESELIA DIAN FEBRIANTI and Susila Arita}, title ={PENGGUNAAN BOTTOM ASH SEBAGAI ADSORBEN DALAM MENGOLAH AIR LIMBAH PULP AND PAPER MENGGUNAKAN CLARIFIER}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/98791/}, abstract={Pulp and Paper industry which has been growing rapidly does not only bring financial benefits but also has an impact on the environment due to the use of chemicals and other materials in production process. Therefore, it is necessary to possess an appropriate and economical wastewater treatment using one of the adsorbents, like bottom ash, produced by boilers in Pulp and Paper Industry to be used as a potential adsorbent. This study was aimed to examine the characteristics of bottom ash and Pulp and Paper Wastewater, the effect of stirring time, stirring speed and adsorbent activation temperature on reducing environmental parameters of wastewater. The method of synthesis of bottom ash as an adsorbent was carried out by a physical process without heating; the heating process was undergone in an oven at a temperature of 100°C and 200°C for 1 hour. The pulp and paper wastewater treatment process was analyzed by using a jar test. The best results happened at a stirring speed of 100 RPM for 50 minutes. The results also showed that bottom ash with heating could be used as an adsorbent in the pulp and paper wastewater treatment process. It was proven to reduce TSS 77.5%, COD 85.72%, Chloride 26.9%, TDS 1143 ppm, and EC 2180 s/cm, while pulp and paper wastewater treatment with bottom ash adsorbent using a clarifier obtained optimum operating conditions with a bottom ash mass of 4 kg, reduction efficiency of COD, TSS, and chloride respectively 87.3%; 92.5%; and 81.5%. Processing produced by using a jartest and clarifier according to the quality standards stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Environment No. 5 of 2014.} }