@thesis{thesis, author={RIZKY and Vieronica and Zulfikri }, title ={GERAKAN SOSIAL KOMUNITAS AKADEMI BERBAGI (AKBER) PALEMBANG}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9880/}, abstract={The problems of this study isthe process of implementation the activities by Community Movements Akber Palembang and the problems encountered during the process of implementation the activities by community movement of Akber Palembang. The purpose of this study is to describe the process of movement carried out by community Akber Palembang and to know and understand the problem in implementation the activities of social movement community Akber Palembang.The theory using is theory resoursce mobilization by Klandermans. This research Data collection techniques using interview, obsevation, and documentation. The number of informants in this study is eight people. The result of this research is describe the process of implementation the activities by community movement Akber Palembang and the problems of movement community Akber Palembang. The process of activities by movement community Akber Palembang includes the recruitments process, the activity preparation procces and implementation the activities. The activity preparation process includes determining themes, determining teacher volunteers, determining room volunteers, and moving Akberian (student). The activities is to make learning classes and participating in LLD activities.The problem of community movements come from internal and external communities. Key Word: Social Movement, resoursce mobilization, community.} }