@thesis{thesis, author={Ahmad and SANTO }, title ={PERANCANGAN TRACKING ROBOT OBJEK WARNA MENGGUNAKAN KAMERA PIXY CMUCAM 5 DENGAN METODE FUZZY SUGENO ORDE NOL}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9882/}, abstract={Lately the development of wheeled robots technology has evolved in various fields that can facilitate human work. Wheeled robots use automatic systems that work using auto drive systems without being directly controlled by operators called autonomous robots. An autonomous robot can recognize around environment requiring sensor as replacement of the robot senses. Robot can move because of input from sensors inside the robot. With thus, this thesis is designing a mobile robot to seacrh for and follow certain object that using pixy camera to detect and follow an object. The purpose of this research was to implement fuzzy sugeno nol logic to regulate motor movement and design intelligent robot with using pixy CMUCam 5 camera to detect and moving follow color object. The method in this research uses the fuzzy sugeno orde nol (0) method. The object of the research chosen was the design of color tracking robot fuzzy logic based. Stages were done in the design was to prepare all the hardware at robot then do design the hardware module and testing software of used. The next step was to do integration between hardware and software. After that doing the testing robot at arena has been prepared. the taking of data is done by validating and analyzing whether the data is as expected. From the results of research concluded that robots can only follow one color object if the object detected more than one, the robot will rotate in place. the left motor movement of the robot is more stable than the right motor. the robot can follow object using a pixy camera with 25 rule base with camera readings of 500 in front camera, and the percentage of error reading on objects is 4.34%. Suggestions in further research and development, tracking robot objects by using fuzzy logic so that robots can stop after finding the objects at a distance of 20 cm in front of the robot and modify the robot camera can move 3600 for looking objects and robots can be designed to move backwards when finding obstacles.} }