@thesis{thesis, author={Alfiandra and Kurnisar Kurnisar and YULI }, title ={PENGARUH VERBAL PUNISHMENT TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN PSIKOLOGI ANAK DALAM MATA PELAJARAN PPKn DI SMP AZZAHRO’ PALEMBANG}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9884/}, abstract={This study aims to determine the existence of verbal punishment relationship to the development of child psychology in the subject of PPKn in SMP Azzahro 'Palembang. The population is all students of SMP Azzahro Palembang consisting of 5 classes, ie two classes in class VII, two classes in class VIII, and one class in class IX with total students as much as 184 students. Sampling technique in this research is type probability sampling by using simple random sampling technique, that is random sampling technique. Samples are taken from every class included in the population class. From 184 students, the researcher determines the representation of the number of each population divided into two with a total sample of 92 students. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques, documentation, and questionnaire techniques. Based on the results of research and discussion it is found that the variable of punishment verbal has significant effect to the development of child psychology in SMP Azzahro 'Palembang. These results provide evidence that verbal punishment by PPKn teachers at Azzahro Junior High School in Palembang can have a negative impact on the development of child psychology. This is proven From the output above can be seen that the value of t arithmetic on verbal punishment variable (X) is greater than t table (2.754> 1.662) with a significant level below 0.05 of 0.007.} }