@thesis{thesis, author={Aryanto and Ermadiani and RISKA }, title ={ANALISIS ATAS PENERIMAAN RETRIBUSI PARKIR DALAM MENUNJANG PENINGKATAN PENDAPATAN ASLI DAERAH (PAD) KOTA PALEMBANG}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9895/}, abstract={Regional levy is very important in supporting the increase of local revenue (pad)one of the part of parking fees which is one source of local revenue (pad) that comes from the community, the management of parking fees is known to be managed by transportation agency when in fact the revenue the region also received direct parking deposit. Effectiveness illustrates the ability of local goverments to realize the original revenue of the planned regions , compared to be targets set by the real potential of the region. While efficiency is an attempt to achieve the desired results in order to avoid waste or decline . The purpose of this research is to know the realization of parking retribution acceptance in 2012 - 2016, the process of receiving parking fees and what efforts should be done to increase the increase of parking fees . Result of research indicate that parking retribution earning have a significant influence to local revenue (pad).} }