@thesis{thesis, author={AFFANDY YULIZAR and Rizky Oktadini Nabila}, title ={PENGUKURAN USABILITY SISTEM INFORMASI MANEJEMEN PERHOTELAN BERDASARKAN ISO 9241-11 (STUDI KASUS: HOTEL ANUGERAH PALEMBANG)}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.unsri.ac.id/99313/}, abstract={MEASURING THE USABILITY OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM BASED ON ISO 9241-11 (A CASE STUDY: ANUGERAH PALEMBANG HOTEL) By Yulizar Affandy 09031281924032 ABSTRACT This study aims to measure the usability aspect of the Visual Hotel Program (VHP) management information system used at Hotel Anugerah Palembang. Until now, no evaluation has been conducted on the VHP system in terms of usability, so it is not known whether the system is effective, efficient, and provides user satisfaction with the system's services. There are three aspects assessed according to ISO 9241-11 standards, namely effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction, using methods such as completion rates, time-based efficiency, and the System Usability Scale (SUS). The respondents in this study were 17 employees of Hotel Anugerah Palembang. The study concluded that the VHP has covered the effectiveness aspect by 83% (already effective), the efficiency aspect with a speed rate of 0.06431 goals/sec, and the satisfaction aspect, which was measured using the SUS questionnaire, obtained a score of 58.55, indicating the level of user acceptance in the marginal category, with a grade scale of D and an Adjective rating of OK, which means that in terms of VHP satisfaction level it is still at the middle level which means that respondents are not very satisfied with the VHP system. Keyword: ISO 9241-11, Usability, Visual Hotel Program, Completion rates, Time based efficiency, System usability scale (SUS).} }