@thesis{thesis, author={JEMZ SUZURA and Novi and Yunita }, title ={PENGKLASIFIKASIAN REVIEW FILM MENGGUNAKAN INFORMATION GAIN DAN NAÏVE BAYES CLASSIFIER}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9948/}, abstract={Currently, there have been many reviews of a film published online. One of the important things in a review is the opinion contained in it, that opinion can be in the form of positive or negative opinions. So that need for a system that can automatically produce a classification of positive or negative sentiments on a review. The method used in this research is Information Gain and Naive Bayes Classifier. The Information Gain method is performed for feature selection by selecting the most informative words and the Naive Bayes Classifier method is used to classify a film review. The test results of 10 Fold-Cross Validation in this research by using 180 training data and 20 test data obtained an average value of accuracy of 88% and the average of classification time of 0,0354 seconds.} }