@thesis{thesis, author={ABANG PUTERA and Abukosim and Eka }, title ={AUDIT MANAJEMEN SEBAGAI SARANA UNTUK MENILAI EFEKTIVITAS FUNGSI SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA (Studi Kasus pada PT Bank SumselBabel Cabang Palembang)}, year={2018}, url={https://repository.unsri.ac.id/9969/}, abstract={This study aims to determine how effective the function of human resources at PT Bank Sumsel Babel Palembang Branch. This research is a decryption study with case study approach. The data used in this research is kaulitatif data which is done by direct interview with the human resources of the research object, but also using qualitative method analysis, so the result obtained is not in the form of statistical figures in the form of explanation only. In this study used the criteria to measure how effective each activity performed by the human resources, with the results of most of the human resources activities at Bank Sumsel Babel branch Palembang has done well but there are some parts that have not been effecve in its implementation.} }