@thesis{thesis, author={ELIS }, title ={HUBUNGAN ANTARA JARAK TEMPAT TINGGAL DENGAN TINGKAT PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM TANGGAP DARURAT BENCANA BANJIR DI DESA SALUA KECAMATAN KULAWI KABUPATEN SIGI}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.untad.ac.id/13742/}, abstract={ABSTRACT Elis. 2022. The Relationship between Residential Distance and Community Participation in Flood Disaster Emergency Response in Salua Village, Kulawi Sub-district, Sigi Regency. Skripsi. Geography Education Study Program. Social Science Education Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Tadulako University. Under the supervision of Ir.Rahmawati, S.Si., M.Sc A flash flood is an inundation caused by runoff from a river when the discharge suddenly exceeds the flow capacity. It occurs quickly in low-lying areas, river valleys, and basins, and usually carries debris in its flow. Flash floods differ from floods in that they last less than six hours and sweep across the land they infest with such high flow rates that there is almost no warning. The height of a massive flood can range from 3-6 meters. Salua Village is located in the Kulawi Sub-district of the Sigi Regency. The research objective is to identify the relationship between residential distance and community participation in flood disaster emergency response in Salua Village, Kulawi Sub-district, Sigi Regency. This research used quantitative and survey methods. The data from 59 respondents on the distance of the community's residence in Salua Village revealed that 30-250 m (30 respondents or 51%) live in hamlet III, 251-500 m (14 respondents or 24%) live in hamlet II, 501-750 m (five respondents or 8%) live in hamlet I and >751 m (ten respondents or 17%) live in hamlet I. The level of community participation in disaster response revealed a low level of community participation among 59 respondents. According to the findings, one respondent (2%), 34 respondents (58%) participate less, and 24 respondents (40%) participate. The correlation coefficient between residential distance and community participation in massive flood emergency responses is 0.151 indicates a very weak correlation. Two factors influence the low level of community participation in Salua Village, Kulawi Sub-district, Sigi Regency: education and community motivation. Keywords: massive flood disaster, community participation, emergency response, Salua Village, Sigi Regency } }