@thesis{thesis, author={HAMIDATUN and USMAN and USWATUN }, title ={UPAYA GURU DALAM MEMBENTUK KUALITAS MEMBACA AL-QUR'AN MELALUI METODE AN-NAHDLIYAH PADA SANTRI TAMAN PENDIDIKAN AL-QUR'AN NURUL HUDA JELU NGASEM BOJONEGORO}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.unugiri.ac.id/id/eprint/1376/}, abstract={This research is motivated by the phenomenon of Al-Qur?an education which is faced with technological and scientific developments in the era of globalization where it is now easy to find children and adolescents who are still not able to read the Al-Qur?an. According to what happened at the Nurul Huda Al-Qur?an Education Park, students still lacked focus in learning the Al-Qur?an so that students still found it difficult to recognize hijaiyah letters, and reading them was still not in accordance with makhorijul huruf/tajwid. This study uses a qualitative description approach with the type of case study research. Was collected using participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique of this research uses reduction, display, and verification. Checking the validity of the data in this study using triangulation of sources and techniques, extension of attendance, and discussions with colleagues. Based on the research conducted, the following results were obtained: (1) The teacher's efforts in shaping the quality of reading the Al-Qur?an through the An-Nahdliyah method included planning and guidance. Teacher planning in shaping the quality of reading the Al-Qur?an, namely materials, learning methods, physical, and evaluation. Meanwhile, the teacher?s guidance in guiding the quality of reading the Al-Qur?an is the introduction of hijaiyah letters, classical reading (together), individual reading (take turns), and subject matter. (2) The supporting factors of teachers in shaping the quality of reading the Al?Qur?an: support from parents, interest in students, and learning support in the form of facilities and infrastructure. The inhibiting factors are the busyness of students about the importance of reading the Al-Qur?an, and friends from the surrounding environment.} }