@thesis{thesis, author={DEWI and KHOIRUL and MOH }, title ={IMPROVING STUDENT'S VOCABULARY ABILITY THROUGH THE ENVIRONMENT AROUND THE SCHOOL AS A LEARNING RESOURCE IN CLASS VIII B STUDENTS AT MTs TERPADU OF MANBA’UL ULUM KLEPEK}, year={2022}, url={https://repository.unugiri.ac.id/id/eprint/1443/}, abstract={This study aims to improve students' English vocabulary mastery through the school environment as a learning resource. The type of research is the Design Class Action Research from John Elliot which has four stages in each cycle, namely: Planning, Implementation, Observation, and Reflection. The research was carried out in two cycles, each cycle of three meetings, the researcher acted as an observer and the teacher as a teacher or called CAR Participants. The research subjects were students of class VIII B MTs Terpadu Manba'ul Ulum Klepek totaling 20 female students. Data collection was obtained based on the results of observations, tests, and documentation. The data analysis used is descriptive qualitative and descriptive quantitative. The cycle is stopped when students achieve classical completeness 80%/16 students and individual students reach KKM 73. Based on the results of the study, there were 4 students (20%) passed the study and 16 students (80%) failed by obtaining an average score. 50.5. After taking action on the environment around the school as a learning resource, the data obtained in the first cycle increased by 25% with an average value of 69.25 with 9 students (45%) graduating and 11 students (55%) failing. In cycle II the average score of students was 84.75, with 17 students (85%) graduating, 3 students (15%) failing and an increase of 40% from cycle I to cycle II. From this data it can be concluded that the learning is declared complete individually and classically. The use of the environment around the school as a learning resource can improve students' English vocabulary mastery and can attract students' attention to be enthusiastic and active in learning.} }