@thesis{thesis, author={Miftahul and Nurul and SA'ADAH IKA SEPTI NAILUS}, title ={الجناس للكلمة ساعة فى القرأن الكريم (دراسة تحليلية بلاغية)}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unugiri.ac.id/id/eprint/149/}, abstract={Polisemic is a kind of rhetorical study in which improvement is due to pronunciation. This search looks for polisemic of the word "sa?ah" in the Quran. Because that word includes features, the researcher found the word "sa?ah" in only fourteen places in the Quran according to the number of hours in one day one night or 24 hours. The research questions of this research are 1) What is the content of polisemic ?, 2) What is the meaning and usefulness of the word "sa?ah" in the Quran? The objectives of this research are to reveal the meaning and types of polisemic, to reveal the meaning and usefulness of the word "sa?ah" in the Holy Quran, and to uncover the polisemic that include the word "sa?ah" in the Quran. The purpose of this reseach is to find out what includes the polisemic and analysis of meaning and avail of the word sa?ah and analysis of jinas contained in the word sa?ah. In this study the authors used a qualitative descriptive research methode. While the results of this study authors found there were 21 word saah that meant apocalypse and there were 3 word sa?ah that meant time. While the benefit of the word here is to explain the doomsday and what happens in it and explain about the war tabuk. And the polisemic contained in the word sa?ah here have the pattern of perfect jinas mumatsal because they belong to the same jinas.} }