@thesis{thesis, author={Devi Eka and LI'AMANAH SITI and Nurul }, title ={المحسنات اللفظية في الحزب "نهضة الوطن" لشيخ محمد زين الدين عبد المجيد (الدراسة البلاغية)}, year={2019}, url={https://repository.unugiri.ac.id/id/eprint/150/}, abstract={Muhassinat Lafdhiyah is a type of Balaghoh badi?iyah, which beauty return to the lafadz. We already know that prayer is the command of Allah and his Prophet, According to the Scholars as best as possible the prayer to draw closer for Allah is the hizib, Among them is hizib Nahdhatul Wathan by Master Teacher Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Majid. This hizib is a collection of Qur?nic verses, Sholawat, supplications and the name of great Allah. Then naturally in the language save the element balaghoh badi?ie muhassinat lafdhiyah. Based on the problem, there are the research question; (1) what does the muhassinat lafdhiyah mean?, (2) What is muhassinat lafdhiyah in hizib nahdhatul wathan?, (3) What is the rules of the muhassinat lafdhiyah in the hizib nahdhatul wathan?. The purposes of this research are: (1) to know and understand about Muhassinat Lafdhiyah, (2) To know find out the types of muhassinat lafdhiyah in the hizib nahdhatul wathan, (3) To explain the rules of the muhassinat lafdhiyah in the hizib nahdhatul wathan. Based on those problems, the researcher user descriptive qualitative research with tecnique library research, with instrument dokument and observation. The results of the research are; there is (1) Muhassinat lafdhiyah is a beautify sentences in the form of lafadz, and among the types are; jinas, saja?, muwazanah, iqtibas, tadzmin, tarsi?, radd al azji ?ala sadri. (2) four from jinas ghoiru tam naqis, one from jinas tam mutamatsil, five from saja? mutharaf, five from saja? muroso?, three from saja? mutawazi, eight from muwazanah, twelve from iqtibas tsabitul ma?ani (Determination), and three from changed a little in the wazan. (3) the rules from muhassinat lafdhiyah contained in the hizib nahdhatul wathan among them rules for jinas is a beautfy sentences by adjusting two lafadz in one of four things as font type, the harokat, the amount, and the structure, or different from all of the, rules for saja?, a) beautifuly reading; b) streng then readers? feelings when reading c) help listeners search for messages contained in the hizib nahdhatul wathan. Rules for muwazanah is simplify and strengthen yhe reader?s memory, because actualy the two faculties are komposed of one hizin nahdhatul wathan in wazan, d) rules of iqtibas is explain the verses of the Koran to everyone and those who practice them, and motivate readers to use the koran as a guideline for the future with an Intermediary in hizib nahdhatul wathan} }