@thesis{thesis, author={MAJID DUL}, title ={PENGARUH SEFT KOMBINASI ZIKIR TERHADAP DEPRESI DAN KUALITAS HIDUP PADA PASIEN KANKER KOLON YANG MENJALANI KEMOTERAPI DI RSPAL DR. RAMELAN SURABAYA}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.unusa.ac.id/8561/}, abstract={Introduction: Colon cancer causes serious problems in physical, psychological, social, and environmental aspects. Because considerations focus on prevention and treatment, quality of life effects and depression are rarely considered. Interventions that can improve the quality of life of these patients are non- pharmacological therapy, namely Seft combined of zikr. This study aims to determine the effect of Seft combination zikr on depression and quality of life in colon cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy at RSPAL Dr. Ramelan Surabaya. Methods: This type of research uses mixed exploratory methods. Phase I is a descriptive qualitative research with a modul preparation and phase II uses a Quasy-Experimental research design with a pre posttest control group design approach. Samples were taken using probability sampling method with a random sampling type of phase II, with 36 respondents consisting of 18 intervention groups and 18 control groups. Independent variable Seft combined zikr. The dependent variable is depression and quality of life. The instrument uses observation sheets and questionnaires. Analysis using paired t test, independent t- test and manova test. Results and analysis: There is an effect of Seft combined zikr on depression and quality of life in colon cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy with p-value <0.05, namely depression, p-value = 0.000 and Quality of life p value = 0.000 Discussion and Counseling: Seft combined zikr has an effect on decreasing the level of depression and improving the patient's quality of life. Seft intervention combined with remembrance can help reduce depression and improve quality of life in colon cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy.} }