@thesis{thesis, author={RAHMI IRVANA MAULIDA}, title ={IMPLEMENTATION OF TEACHING ENGLISH LISTENING USING AUDIO DIALOGUE MEDIA IN THE FIFTH GRADE OF MADRASAH IBTIDAIYAH IN GRESIK}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.unusa.ac.id/9505/}, abstract={The goal of this study was to ascertain the challenges associated with using implementing audio dialogue media for learning English in fifth grade students of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Gresik. This study employed a qualitative research methodology. Qualitative research aims to comprehend a phenomenon regarding what the research subject experiences and collects data from the field, participants, and documentation. The research in this study's findings suggests that there are issues with implementation, specifically that: (1) Students have difficulties when using audio media as teaching media. (2). Classes/students cannot be conditioned properly. (3). Students seem confused by the use of audio as a learning medium. (4). Some students listen to the audio with focus and some students do not focus while playing the audio. (5). Students still seem unfamiliar with the use of audio as a learning method. (6). Low quality speaker audio. The following is how the implementation in the research class works. Beginning with a vocabulary brainstorm in English, the learning activities in class are introduced to the students by having them define what food and drink are in English. The researcher connected it to the terminology in the audio text file during the brainstorming phase. Expand your vocabulary by including words not found on the board. On the blackboard box, students scrawled and memorized vocabulary. After that, the researcher engaged in vocabulary exercises. by committing to memory all of the audio text's vocabulary. The fifteen areas of attention include: food, drinks, fried chicken, meatballs, ice cream, fried potatoes, fried eggs, fried rice, chiken meat, beef, cake, fried eggs, juices, iced tea, and egg noodles. This study is expected to trigger educators to deepen alternative methods in learning English so that they can be used in better English skills in elementary schools. For further research, using video dialogue for listening skills because there are illustrations that are more interesting for the teacher, it is recommended to use audio dialogue media.} }