@thesis{thesis, author={BOBO Julianthy Aurelia Chrisanthy}, title ={Rancangan Bangun Sistem Pendeteksi Kebakaran dan Pemadaman Otomatis pada Rumah Berbasis Internet of things dengan Notifikasi Telegram}, year={2024}, url={http://repository.unwira.ac.id/16168/}, abstract={Fire disasters are unexpected events that can result in significant losses, including material, economic, and human lives. Often, these losses occur because property owners are not present when the fire starts. To address this issue, a prototype for automatic fire detection and suppression for homes equipped with Internet of Things (IoT) and notifications via Telegram Bot has been developed. This system is designed to leverage IoT networks to connect various devices and sensors to the internet, allowing them to send immediate notifications to homeowners. The research was conducted using a literature study method. The main components used include the Arduino Uno R3 microcontroller, which controls the Ky-026 fire sensor, MQ-135 gas sensor, and a water pump serving as the extinguishing device. The system also features a Liquid Crystal Digital (LCD ) display to show sensor readings. When a fire is detected, the system automatically sends a message to the Telegram application. Test results demonstrate the system's ability to accurately detect fire and gas/smoke at rates of 90% and 87.5% respectively, activating the water pump for suppression, and emitting warning sounds via a speaker, providing prompt information to homeowners.} }