@thesis{thesis, author={BABYS Mada Wasti}, title ={Aplikasi Multimedia Untuk Informasi Penyakit Ginjal Pada Manusia (Studi Kasus RSUD Prof.Dr.W.Z Johannes Kupang.}, year={2018}, url={http://repository.unwira.ac.id/593/}, abstract={The development of technology and information has not been fullyutilized by the Regional General Hospital Prof.Dr. W.Z Johannes Kupang. Oneconcrete example is the process of delivering information about kidney disease topatients or public who visit is still done by manual that is by putting picture orwritten information about kidney disease in the room wall. This research wasconducted to answer this obstacle that is by presenting information about kidneydisease to patient based on information technology that patient can interactivelyview information in the form of text or video or multimedia based.The system development method used is Multimedia Development LiveCycle (MDLC) method according to the concept of sutopo with concep stage,design, collecting material, assembly, testing, distribution.After going through the testing phase by using the black box method, therealization of multimedia applications in the form of animation that canmenvisualis information kidney disease, and can be used as a form of informationpresentation of kidney disease, and can be used as a form of presentation of moreeffective information to patients at RSUD Prof.Dr.WZ Johannes Kupang.} }