@thesis{thesis, author={MONEMNASI Praksedis}, title ={Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Number Head Together (NHT) Materi Pokok Perpindahan Kalor Pada Peserta Didik Kelas X-B SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014}, year={2014}, url={http://repository.unwira.ac.id/9682/}, abstract={The cooperative Numbered Head Together (NHT) learning model is one of several types of cooperative learning model. NHT cooperative learning model designed to influence the pattern of interaction of learners and has a goal to increase the academic mastery. NHT cooperative learning model first developed by Spencer Kagen (1993) to involve a lot of learners in reviewing the material covered in the lesson and check their understanding of the lesson content. A common problem in this research is how the results of the application of cooperative learning model NHT subject matter of heat transfer on the learner class X-B SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang semester academic year 2013/2014? Specifically, this research problem is: (1) How does a teacher's ability to manage the learning process by implementing cooperative learning model NHT? (2) How cooperative skills of learners in the learning process by implementing cooperative learning model NHT? (3) How completeness Learning Outcome Indicators (IHB) in learning to apply cooperative learning model NHT? (4) How mastery learning outcomes of students in learning by implementing cooperative learning model NHT? (5) How is the response of students to the learning process by implementing cooperative learning model NHT? The general objective of this study is to describe the results of the application of cooperative learning model NHT subject matter of heat transfer on the learner class X-B SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang second semester of the school year 2013/2014. By the purpose of this research are: (1) Describe the teacher's ability to manage the learning process by implementing cooperative learning model NHT; (2) Describe the cooperative skills of learners in learning by implementing cooperative learning model NHT; (3) Describe completeness Learning Outcome Indicators (IHB) to implement cooperative learning model NHT; (4) Describe the mastery learning outcomes of students by implementing cooperative learning model NHT; (5) Describe the response of students to the learning activities by implementing cooperative learning model NHT. This type of research is descriptive. The subjects were teachers (researcher) and X-B grade students of SMA Muhammadiyah Kupang, amounting to 24 people. Data collection techniques used was observation, test, and Questionnaire Response of Students. While the instrument used in this study is the assessment sheet lesson, Lesson Planning and Assessment Sheet Learning Evaluation Sheet, Sheet Cooperative Observation Skills, Test Results Learning (product, affective, and psychomotor), and Spreadsheet Response Students. Mechanical analysis of the results of research is quantitative descriptive analysis includes calculating the average score, proportions, and percentages. Based on the results of the descriptive analysis, the data showed that the general implementation of cooperative learning model NHT is good for the subject matter Heat Transfer on high school students Muhammadiyah Kupang X-B classes totaling 24 students. Generally described as follows: (1) the ability of teachers in managing learning activities by implementing cooperative learning model NHT which cover: lesson planning, implementation and evaluation of learning lessons included in both categories. (2) Skills cooperative learners include: being in the task, taking turns and sharing tasks, encourage participation, ask or answer, and listen actively, each having an average score was on the Effectiveness limits specified criteria. (3) Learning Outcome Indicators (product, affective, and psychomotor) the majority of learners are at complete category. (4) Results of learners X-B class in the subject matter as a whole Heat Transfer achieve mastery. (5) The response of students to the implementation of learning by applying cooperative learning model that includes five aspects NHT obtained the percentage of each, namely: preliminary activities with very good categories, core activities with very good category, activities cover with excellent category, time management with excellent category, as well as classroom atmosphere and appearance with very good category.} }