@thesis{thesis, author={NAHAK Maria Andriani Aek}, title ={Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Sfe (Student Facilitator And Explaining) Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa Smpn 4 Kota Kupang}, year={2017}, url={http://repository.unwira.ac.id/9786/}, abstract={The objective of this study to know wether there is effect cooperatif learning model type SFE (Student Fasilitator And Explaining) on students learning prestation mathematic SMP. Sample in this study are students of VIII C class SMP 4 Kupang city which the numbered of students are 29 students. The using of data in this study are pretest and posttest data value from experimen class with cooperatif learning model SFE type. The data gathering will analysed use SPSS program 22.0 version. Before hypotesis testing, is done prerequisite that are normally testing to pretest data and posttest data. From result of this analysis to pretest data got value Asym.Sig. (2 ? tailed) = 0.070 > 0.05 and Dcount = 0.156 < Dtable = 0.246 so H0 is accepted and can be conclusion that data normal distribution. Whereas posttest data getting value Asym.Sig. (2 ? tailed) = 0.092 > 0.05 and Dcount = 0.151 < Dtable = 0.246 so H0 is accepted and can be conclusion that data normal distribution. Hypoteis testing used paired sample test, after analysed data got value Sig. (2 ? tailed) = 0.000 < 0.05 and tcount = 9.863 > ttable = 2.048 then refuse H0 so can be conclusion that there is suggestion that significant cooperatif learning model SFE type on students learning prestation mathematic SMP. This result of this study show that learning cooperatif model SFE type suggesting on learning prestaion mathematic. Therefore, the writer suggest for teachers in order to used cooperatif learning model SFE type on learning class according to teaching material.} }