@thesis{thesis, author={Dhiandra Amara}, title ={Peran Production Assistant pada Produksi Program "Bikin Laper" di PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (TRANS TV) = The role of production assistant in the production of the “bikin laper” program in PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (TRANS TV)}, year={2020}, url={http://repository.uph.edu/10029/}, abstract={Setiap stasiun televisi berlomba-lomba untuk membuat program yang menarik dan kreatif, untuk itu dibutuhkan tim produksi yang solid. Salah satu tim produksinya adalah production assistant. Pemagang melakukan kegiatan magang di PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (TRANS TV) sebagai production assistant pada program ?Bikin Laper?. Program Bikin Laper adalah program kuliner yang tidak hanya memberikan berbagai informasi tentang makanan, tetapi juga dikemas dengan konsep yang menghibur. Selama kurang lebih 3 bulan melakukan kegiatan magang di TRANS TV, pemagang telah mencapai tujuan dari kegiatan magang ini yaitu mempelajari dan mempraktikkan peran production assistant pada program bikin laper, serta mempelajari tahapan-tahapan produksi dalam sebuah proses produksi. Kesimpulan yang pemagang dapatkan setelah terjun langsung dalam proses produksi program Bikin Laper adalah bahwa peran dan tanggung jawab seorang production assistant sangat besar untuk mengurus atau mempersiapkan seluruh kebutuhan proses produksi sebuah program baik secara teknis maupun administratif sesuai dengan Standart Operation Procedure (SOP) yang berlaku yaitu mulai dari pra-produksi, produksi, hingga pasca produksi. / Every television stasion competes to create interesting and creative programs, therefore a solid production team is needed. One of production teams is a production assistant. The apprentice conducted and internship at PT Televisi Transformasi Indonesia (TRANS TV) as a production assistant on the ?Bikin Laper? program. The ?Bikin Laper? program is a culinary program that nnot only provides a variety of information about food, but is also packed with entertaining concepts. During approximately 3 months doing internship activites on TRANS TV, the apprentice has achieved the objective of this internship activities, which is to study and practice the role of production assistant in making ?Bikin Laper? programs, and to learn the stages of production in production process. The conclusion that the apprentice gets after direclty involved into the production process of the ?Bikin Laper? program is that the role and responsibility of a production assistant is very large to take care or prepare all the needs needed in the production process of a program, both technically and administratively in accordance with the Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) that applies, which is starts from pre-production, production, until post-production.} }