@thesis{thesis, author={KUSMANA ADITYA LINGGA}, title ={ANALISIS PERENCANAAN TATA LETAK (LAYOUT) UNTUK EFISIENSI KELANCARAN PROSES PRODUKSI PADA PT. MAKMUR MITRA PERSADA KOTA PROBOLINGGO}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.upm.ac.id/440/}, abstract={This research was conducted at PT. Prosperous Probolinggo City Persada Partner with the aim of testing the layout efficiency used in PT. Prosperous Proboliggo Mitra Persada for the achievement of the smooth production process. The type of research used in this study is the type of research used is descriptive quantitative research. According to Punaji (2015: 50) "Quantitative Descriptive Research is research that aims to explain or describe a situation, event, object, whether people, or everything related to variables that can be explained either by numbers or by words". In this research, activities carried out look for data to be able to portray or factually describe an event or a symptom "as is. The data analysis method used is the Line Balancing Method. The results of this study indicate that the cycle time used by the company is currently 35 seconds with a total idle time of 537 seconds, the percentage of unemployed time is 30.7% and efficiency is 69.3%. When compared to the Relayout cycle time of 20 seconds, the total idle amounted to 288 seconds, 249 difference, almost half of the total unemployed companies at this time. At the percentage of 20 seconds cycle time idle is 24% and 76% efficiency where 6.7% difference in both compared to the 35-second cycle that has been carried out by the company today.} }