@thesis{thesis, author={Raka Chandra Irnaldi .}, title ={REPRESENTASI KESENJANGAN SOSIAL MASYARAKAT KAYA DAN MISKIN DALAM FILM “PARASITE” (Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes)}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.upnvj.ac.id/10005/}, abstract={Film is one of the mass communication media that convey messages and meanings behind it. Showing the social reality that occurs to affect everyone's mind. Every dialogue, scenes, cinematographic style, and the storywriting is a form of information that a film wants to convey to the audience. Parasite is a South Korean film directed by Bong Joon-ho, a film that focuses on social inequality set in South Korea. The purpose of this study was to determine the social inequality of the Parasite film. The research method in this thesis uses a qualitative approach with Roland Barthes' analysis techniques to reveal the meaning of denotation, connotation, and myth. In this film, the researchers found how the differences in ways and styles of life between rich and poor people have caused social inequality. The result that can be concluded from this research is that social disparities between classes of society are still very much present in everyday life and cannot be separated from the history of the Joseon dynasty which created a system for this social inequality. Thi study also intends to make the audience understands the moral value from a film. Key Word: Representation, Film, Semiotic of Roland Barthes, Social Gap} }