@thesis{thesis, author={Ismi Nurhayati .}, title ={PENGARUH KREDIBILITAS CELEBRITY ENDORSER BTS DALAM IKLAN TOKOPEDIA TERHADAP LOYALITAS PELANGGAN: Survei Pada Followers Akun Instagram Tokopedia}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.upnvj.ac.id/10038/}, abstract={Tokopedia is a marketplace from Indonesia that was founded in 2009. Tokopedia is an online intermediary between sellers and buyers. In promoting itself as a marketplace, Tokopedia uses celebrity endorsers BTS in their advertisements. This is because Tokopedia considers that the career path, vision, and consistent messages that BTS convey are the same as Tokopedia's vision and believed BTS is the right partner to deliver Tokopedia?s advertising messages. The research used in this study is quantitative. This study aims to determine how the influence credibility of celebrity endorser BTS to Tokopedia customer loyalty. The population used in this study were the followers of the Instagram Tokopedia account, which were 1.6 million people. The theory used in this study is the source credibility theory. The credibility of celebrity endorsers is measured based on trustworthiness, expertise, and attractiveness. Meanwhile, customer loyalty is measured based on regular repeat purchases, inter-line purchases of products/services, recommending to others, and being invulnerable to competitors. The results of the correlation test for variable X (credibility of celebrity endorser) to variable Y (customer loyalty) show a correlation of 0.379. The coefficient of determination test results is known to be 14.3%. Hypothesis test results (t-test) of 4.0505 can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The conclusion is that there is an effect between credibility of celebrity endorser to customer loyalty. Keywords : Credibility, Celebrity Endorser, Customer Loyalty.} }