@thesis{thesis, author={Nurahma Tarisa}, title ={PERAN INDONESIAN AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ACADEMICS (IASA) DALAM MENINGKATKAN KUALITAS PENDIDIKAN DI PAPUA TAHUN 2018 – 2021}, year={2023}, url={http://repository.upnvj.ac.id/24042/}, abstract={The economic growth and national development of a nation are highly dependent on the quality of its human resources. Education is believed to have a crucial role in shaping the quality of these human resources. The quality of good education is directly proportional to the quality of the human beings it produces. Unfortunately, until now, education is still a big problem for Indonesian people, especially in terms of equal distribution of the quality of education in each region, one of them is in the Province of Papua. This then called on the Indonesian American Society of Academics (IASA) organization to participate and contribute to improve the quality of Indonesian education, especially in the Province of Papua. By using descriptive qualitative research methods, researchers seek to see how the role of IASA in improving the quality of education in Papua and analyze it using the theory of the role of international organizations by Clive Archer. The results found that IASA played a significant role in improving the quality of education in Papua through its programs such as integrated boarding schools, bilingual learning systems, moodle-based learning systems, renovation of educational support facilities and infrastructure, and teacher capacity building workshops. After being analyzed using Clive Archer's role theory, IASA is proven to have fulfilled its role as an international organization by becoming an instrument, actor and arena. Key Words: Education, IASA, Papua, Diaspora} }