@thesis{thesis, author={Ening Ni Komang Marta Wira Sari .}, title ={PENGARUH DUKUNGAN PENGAWAS MINUM OBAT (PMO) TERHADAP KEPATUHAN PASIEN TUBERKULOSIS PARU DI WILAYAH KERJA UPTD PUSKESMAS DTP CIBOGO KABUPATEN SUBANG TAHUN 2020}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.upnvj.ac.id/9834/}, abstract={During the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesia still had to face pulmonary tuberculosis cases, which is a major health problem in society with high morbidity, disability and mortality rates. Noncompliance of treatment is one of the triggers for treatment failure that can cause germs to become anti-tuberculosis drug resistance. One of the factors that can affect pulmonary tuberculosis patients’ compliance is good PMO support in carrying out his or her duties. In August 2020, there were 73 pulmonary tuberculosis cases that had been recorded at UPTD Puskesmas DTP Cibogo, Subang Regency. This case is a major health problem in UPTD Puskesmas DTP Cibogo, Subang Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of supervisory support for taking medication (PMO) on pulmonary tuberculosis patients’ compliance in the UPTD Puskesmas DTP Cibogo, Subang Regency in 2020. This research is a quantitative observational study with a cross sectional method. The sample used a total sampling technique of 73 respondents. Analysis of the data used was Fihser's exact. The results of the research with Fihser's exact were 0.009 (α = 0.05) with an odds ratio (OR) of 17.8. The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant influence between PMO support and pulmonary tuberculosis patients’ compliance to take medication at UPTD Puskesmas DTP Cibogo, Subang Regency in 2020.} }