@thesis{thesis, author={Rifatul Amalia Mahmudah .}, title ={KERJASAMA INDONESIA–AUSTRALIA DALAM PERDAGANGAN KAYU BERLISENSI MELALUI KESEPAKATAN COUNTRY SPECIFIC GUIDELINE (CSG) PERIODE 2014-2019}, year={2021}, url={http://repository.upnvj.ac.id/9952/}, abstract={Encouraging the trade in licensed timber is an effort to combat illegal logging and illegal timber trade activities. As an effort to meet the targets in the licensed timber trade, Indonesia and Australia have established a partnership that has been agreed upon through the Country Specific Guideline agreement. Basically, the Country Specific Guideline is a guideline containing the recognition of Australia's ILPA policy on the Timber Legality Verification System implemented by Indonesia. Using descriptive qualitative research methods, this study aims to identify and analyze collaborative activities carried out by Indonesia which aim to encourage the legal timber trade and improve the performance of legal timber exports through the CSG agreement with Australia. The theories and concepts of bilateral cooperative relations and sustainable development goals are used as instruments in conducting this research. Through the Country Specific Guideline cooperation agreement with Australia, efforts to stop the circulation of illegally logged wood from Indonesia to Australia can be fulfilled.} }