@thesis{thesis, author={ADE SAPUTRA -}, title ={HUBUNGAN KOORDINASI MATA-KAKI DAN KELINCAHANDENGAN KEMAMPUAN TEKNIK DASAR MENGGIRING BOLA PADA SISWA PESERTA EKSTRAKURIKULER SEPAK BOLA SMP NEGERI 1 BANGUN PURBA}, year={2019}, url={http://repository.upp.ac.id/191/}, abstract={This research conducted based on problem who got from the observation in SMPN 1 Bangun Purba which there were low ability in conducted basis technique followed ball where did not go way of the opponent well and did not catch ball well. One of that reason was coordination angkle witth aglity being ball. This research design is correlation, the population of this research was 30 students. The technique used total sampling technique for those the sampel were 30 students. The data collecting to coordination angkle conducted test bounce back ball. The Analayis data of research hypphothesis used correlation with product moment than fold correlation with significand level ?=0,05 Based of analysis data coefficient correlation coordination angkle were rcount (0,535) so rxy1>rtabel was (0,535>0,361) count (0,864) so rxy2>rtabel was (0,864>0,361). There was significant correlation between coordination angkle and aglity with basis technique escort ball which was rxy12 (0,442) so rxy12>rtabel was (0,442>0,361} }