@thesis{thesis, author={DIANTI AYU}, title ={STUDENTS’ SKILLS IN WRITING SIMPLE, COMPOUND, COMPLEX, AND COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCES IN REPORT TEXT AT FOURTH SEMESTER OF ENGLISH STUDY PROGRAM UNIVERSITY OF PASIR PENGARAIAN}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.upp.ac.id/1987/}, abstract={This research wanted to find out how well students at the University of Pasir Pengaraian's English program write report text and how many simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences were in their text during the fourth semester. The population of this research was students at the fourth semester of English study program University of Pasir Pengaraian, the academic year 2021/2022. The researcher used total sampling technique. The amount of samples was 34 students. The methodology of this research used a descriptive quantitative design. The data of this research were from writing tests. In analyzing the data used a rubric assessment of writing. Based on collecting the researcher discovered and analyzed the data that the student's skills in writing report text were in the fair category with a score of 69.84. Students had two criteria in the good category, there was an organization (15.25) and vocabulary (15.19), and two criteria in the fair category, there was content (20.14) and language use (15.51), and one criterion in the very poor category, it was mechanic (2.75). From 34 reports text contained 390 total sentences. 154 simple sentences, 55 compound sentences, 133 complex sentences, and 48 compound-complex sentences were included. It mean that the students more used simple sentences rather than others in writing a report text. The second sentences after the simple sentences were complex sentences. Meanwhile, students were less in use of compound sentences and compound-complex sentences in the report text.} }