@thesis{thesis, author={YANTI ERDA SYAFITRI}, title ={TEACHERS’ PERCEPTION IN USING PICTURE BOOKS FOR TEACHING LITERACY AT SMKN 2 RAMBAH}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.upp.ac.id/1997/}, abstract={This study is a study to describe teachers` perceptions of learning to read and write using English picture books in SMKN 2 rambah and to assess teachers` learning difficulties. This study is a qualitative descriptive study. Subjects in this study were SMKN 2 Rambah English teachers. The survey target was teachers` perceptions of the English learning process in SMKN 2 Rambah. The research methods used to collect data in this study were interviews and questionnaires. Techniques used to analyze data consist of data reduction, data presentation, and inference. The survey found that SMKN 2 Rambah's English teachers are more hands-on in the learning process. The teacher should explain the material slowly and patiently to the students and focus on the core of the lesson.the study alsofound that teachers felt that students should be taught patiently and slowly so that they could better understand the material.teachers also feel that students are less interested in the learning process.} }