@thesis{thesis, author={JULIANA LISA}, title ={A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF ENGLISH READING SKILL BETWEEN MALE AND FEMALE STUDENTS IN READING NEWS ITEM TEXT AT SMP N 1 TAMBUSAI}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.upp.ac.id/2002/}, abstract={This research was about reading news item text. This research aimed to determine the comparison of reading skill between male and female students in reading news item text at SMPN 1 Tambusai. The design method was quantitative. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. The population of this study were eighth grade students of SMP N 1 Tambusai. The sample of this research is 30 students. Based on the results of the analysis, the researchers found that the description of male students was 70.2 of the specified criteria so that it can be concluded that male students in reading news texts are included in the high category. Meanwhile, the result of the description of female students is 68.3 of the specified criteria so that it can be concluded that female students in reading news texts are included in the high category. So the conclusion is that there is no comparison between male and female students in reading news texts at SMP N 1 Tambusai.} }