@thesis{thesis, author={KURNIA NIA}, title ={STUDENTS SPEAKING SKILLS IN NARRATIVE TEXT THROUGH TELEGRAM APPLICATION OF ELEVENTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMAN 1 TAMBUSAI}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.upp.ac.id/2015/}, abstract={The purpose of the research was to analyze student speaking skills through Telegram application. The research was conducted in juni 2021. The sample included in this research was the eleventh grade of SMAN 1 Tambusai In collecting the data the research used voice note in Telegram application. This research method is descriptive quantitative. Based on the data analysis the research result showed that pronunciation had 37,7 or it can beclasified in the average level. grammar of speaking was 56,14 and it can be classified in the average level, vocabulary of speaking was 43,2 and it can be classified in the average level, fluency of speaking was 44,8 and it can be classified in the average level, comprehension of speaking was 43,8 and it can be classified in the average level, 26 students were in average. It mean that the eleventh grade SMAN 1 Tambusai had average in speaking skills through Telegram application. 26 students (86%) were in average score, 4 students (14%) had the fair score. Inconclusion the table above show that the students speaking skills through Telegram application was average.} }