@thesis{thesis, author={NAZIHAH NUHA LATHIFAH}, title ={STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS TOWARDS THE USE OF GOOGLE CLASSROOM IN LEARNING ENGLISH AT GRADE X IN SMKN 1 KUNTO DARUSSALAM}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.upp.ac.id/2017/}, abstract={This study aims to determine student perceptions of the use of the google classroom application in learning English at SMK N 1 Kunto Darussalam during the covid-19 pandemic. The sample in this study amounted to 52 students (25 students in class Xa and 27 students in class Xb). The research method used in this research is quantitative. The instrument uses an online survey questionnaire using a Likert scale measurement. The questionnaire was created in a google form and distributed in the form of a link via whats app group to students consisting of 25 students in class Xa, and 27 students in class Xb. The results showed that students had a positive perception of the use of Google Classroom in learning English with the results of calculations from the Likert scale measurement: 12 students had a category strongly agree with an interval of 86%, 37 students had an agree category with an interval of 70-85% and 3 students have a neutral category with an interval of 53-69%. So, Google Classroom is an application that can be used in learning English during online learning.} }