@thesis{thesis, author={ULFA RAHMITA}, title ={TEACHERS’ STRATEGIES IN INCREASING STUDENTS’ MOTIVATION IN LEARNING ENGLISH AFTER COVID-19 PANDEMIC AT TENTH GRADE IN SMKN 2 RAMBAH}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.upp.ac.id/2020/}, abstract={The problem in this study was known that most of the X grade students at SMKN 2 Rambah had weak motivation to learn English, since the Covid-19 pandemic. This study aimed to describe the strategies used by English teachers in increasing student motivation in learning English after the Covid-19 pandemic. This study used a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The data in this study is the teacher's strategy in increasing student motivation in learning English after the Covid-19 pandemic. The sources of data in this study were the results of observations and interviews with several students at SMKN 2 Rambah. This research was conducted at SMKN 2 Rambah. The participants in this study were three English teachers at SMKN 2 Rambah and 18 students from class X. The participants were selected using random sampling. In this study, researchers used several theories to analyze the strategies used by English teachers in increasing students' motivation in learning English after the Covid-19 pandemic. In this study, the researcher made 7 times observations in the classroom on the strategies that the teacher gave to students to increase students' motivation to learn English and 1 time interviewed English teachers. The results showed that there were several strategies used by English teachers in increasing student motivation in learning English after the Covid-19 pandemic. These strategies found: the use of games or puzzles in learning materials, the use of videos as a delivery of English material, giving praise and gifts to students, providing aspirations and inspiration to learn English, and creating a pleasant learning atmosphere or atmosphere. In each strategy there found several teachers who applied the same strategy in increasing students' motivation in learning English.} }