@thesis{thesis, author={SAFITRI RIKA}, title ={NEED ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE USED IN DEPARTMENT OF TOURISM AND CULTURE IN ROKAN HULU}, year={2022}, url={http://repository.upp.ac.id/2025/}, abstract={This thesis entitled ?A Need Analysis of English Language Used In Departement Of Tourism And Culture In Rokan Hulu? is an applied linguistics study viewed from Needs Analysis. In this thesis the object that the researcher analyzed is thetourism employees who worked in the tourism and culture department of Rokan Hulu, Riau Indonesia. The instruments of collecting data in this thesis are using questionnaire and interview which are distributed on 28th June 2022 until 30th June 2022. The analysis is focused on the needs of employees in English skills used in their workplace and problems that the tourism employees encounter when using English language skills in their jobs. The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the needsof tourism employees in English language using in their workplace and (2) to find out the problems that the tourism employees encounter when using English language skills in their job. This thesis structured as the field research using qualitative method as in includes a type of educational research that consists of collecting data using forms containing common pop-up questions, collecting word or image data, and collecting data from a small number of people or places. The results of the analysis listening and speaking are most important English proficiency of tourism staff in Rokan Hulu's tourism and culture department, but it is also considered as the most problematic to them. The tourism employees in thedepartement of tourism and culture in Rokan Hulu has fewer problemin reading and writing skills.} }