@thesis{thesis, author={Andini Fatma}, title ={An Analysis Of The Main Characters In Novel Breaking Dawn By Stephenie Meyer}, year={2024}, url={http://repository2.unw.ac.id/4796/}, abstract={This research analyzes the novel entitled Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.This novel tells the story of a human who falls in love with a vampire.Bella Swan as the female main character in the novel Breaking Dawn finally married Edward Cullen (Vampire) and then becomes pregnant and has a daughter. The purpose of this research is to analyze the main character in the novel Breaking Dawn.This research method uses descriptive qualitative methods because the data is not numeral but in the from of words and sentences.The data of the research is focused on the main characters of the Breaking Dawn Novel.The researcher first read the novel Breaking Dawn for several times to get information about the main characters of the Breaking Dawn novel.Then the researcher collected the data and analyzed them.The first source for this research was taken from quote in the novel.The second source of this research was taken from books, journals, and articles on the internet.The research results show that the main roles in the novel are Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, and Jacob Black.They have protagonist and dynamic personalities.Dynamic character is one who changes and evolves throughout the story.Often the protagonists of the novel,dynamic characters end the story as different people than they were at its beginning. Keywords:Character,Characteristic,Novel Breaking Dawn.} }