@thesis{thesis, author={Rosalinda Ida}, title ={Students' Perceptions On The Use Of English Songs For Enhancing Speaking Skill: A Case Study At Sma N 2 Ungaran}, year={2024}, url={http://repository2.unw.ac.id/4797/}, abstract={The use of songs in English learning has become a popular phenomenon. This study focuses on analyzing students? perceptions on the use of English songs to enhance their speaking skills at SMA N 2 Ungaran. This study aims to analyze students? perceptions on the use of English songs on aspects of speaking skills according to Brown (2001) namely pronunciation, fluency, accuracy, and vocabulary, and to determine which aspect that most influenced. This study used a descriptive qualitative method with a case study design. Convenience sampling was used to select 35 students from class XI.10 SMA N 2 Ungaran as respondents. The research instrument used in this study was a questionnaire with 16 questions items. In addition, other data were also taken through observation and documentation regarding the situation and conditions of English learning by using English songs media. The data analysis techniques used were data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing. The results were as follows: (1) students? perceptions on pronunciation aspect reached 93% agreement (2) students? perceptions on fluency aspect reached 94,75% agreement (3) students? perceptions on accuracy aspect reached 88,5% agreement (4) students? perceptions on vocabulary aspect reached 94% agreement (5) overall, fluency was the aspect that received the highest agreement from respondents. Observation data showed that the use of English songs significantly increased students? motivation to learn English. In addition, singing English songs encourages students to speak in English more frequently and naturally, thus improving their speaking ability. Keywords: Perception, Song, Speaking, Vocabulary} }