@thesis{thesis, author={Prissy Mahisa Sandra}, title ={GAMBARAN TINGKAT KEPUASAN PASIEN TERHADAP MUTU PELAYANAN RAWAT JALAN DI PUSKESMAS TALU KABUPATEN PASAMAN BARAT}, year={2022}, url={http://scholar.unand.ac.id/98217/}, abstract={Puskesmas is the first-level health facilities that play a role in national health development. Puskesmas are required to have a good quality services so that they?re able to satisfy patients. This study was conducted to find out the patient?s level satisfaction on the quality of outpatient health care services at Puskesmas Talu by in 2021. The type of research is descriptive with cross sectional survei design. This research was done in Puskesmas Talu from August 2020 to Januari 2022 with accidental sampling as a sampling technique for 100 outpatients. Analyzing data were using Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Costumer Satisfaction Index (CSI) with an adopted questionnaire by Sri Handayani as the instrument which contains service quality indicators, including services at registration counter, doctor services, nurse services, medical / non-medical services and the physical environment then wrapped with the ServQual method. The result showed that patients in Puskesmas Talu were very satisfied with the quality of outpatient health care services (86.488%). Dimensions of service quality were considered satisfactory except the reliability dimension, as follows : Tangible (86.741%), Responsiveness (91.771%), Empathy (86.354%), Reliability (81.870%) and Assurance (87.393%). The conclusion is patients in Puskesmas Talu were very satisfied with quality of outpatient health care services eventhough there were some indicators that need to be improved based on IPA.} }