Redesign Sistem Operasi Perpipaan dan Pemompaan Air Baku Sungai Cipasauran
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Wulandari, Vegy Rahmah
Pantouw, John Paulus
Teknik Sipil 
2019-09-16 02:59:49 
Abstract :
The water transmission pipeline serves as an instrument for transmitting raw water supplies to be processed at the Water Treatment Plant before being distributed to the community. The raw water supplies that have been quite a lot in production, is still considered less. One of the ways which can be utilized to fulfill the additional amount of 600 liters / sec water supply is by redesigning the transmission pipeline. By obtaining additional water from the Cipasauran watershed, it can be fulfilled at 81.08 % in a flow rate of 681 liters / sec. In planning, the steel pipes will be placed along the road with a length of 14.7 kilometers and a diameter of 750 millimeters. Then the pump specification that is capable of streaming the raw water with head resistance up to 31.37 meters is a Johnston pump with the impeller diameter of 320.7 millimeters which is able to withstand the pump discharge up to 293 - 400 liters / sec. The number of pumps that will be used are 3 pumps and 1 stand-by pump as an alternative pump, each pump has an effective energy of 52 KW. 
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Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara