Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Pariama, Elyon Chrismes
Husada, Hendianto
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-05 00:33:10
Abstract :
Many methods are carried out automatically to assist human activities in the environment or outside the home which facilitate a tighter level of security. Home abuse to prevent crime such as theft, robbery, and other criminal acts, and other disasters such as fire. The progress of electronic technology helps in the development of reliable systems. One application of the arduino microcontroller's security and comfort system to make our homes feasible is called smarthome, electronic devices used for home systems such as detectors for burglars, fires and gas leaks. The tools sold are so many variations. In addition, it is also supported by the advancement of mobile technology or smartphones that can be combined with the world of electronics. Modern and sophisticated system and functionality. From the testing it can be concluded, that the prototype of this tool can be lit if there is a spark and helps control electronic devices that aim to prevent fires and provide comfort for residents of the house.