Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Marsudi, Djiteng
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-08 04:12:20
Abstract :
The use of the electric power system must be able to meet the needs of the growing power of the consumer so that emerging problems encountered in the operation of the power system. Generate power in the electric power system must be equal to the required active power load, it can be observed through the system frequency. Changes in frequency caused by changes in active power. When the power generated by the system outweigh the burden of the system frequency drops and conversely. Frequency deviation from the nominal value must always be within the permissible tolerance limit of about ± 0.2% of the frequencies set by the PLN. So to maintain the frequency within tolerable limits allowed plants equipped with two systems namely Free Governor and Load Frequency Control (LFC). Free Governor makes generating system automatically lift the load increases. LFC system is actually quite similar to the Free Governor but LFC can move loads more quickly in anticipation of a more emergency situation. In this last project will be discussed about the working system of the governor and LFC side related plant electrical system Cirata in maintaining frequency stability.