Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Marsudi, Djiteng
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-08 04:15:53
Abstract :
Consumption and production of oil in Indonesia is experiencing a deficit in terms of greater import than products. The function of an oil refinery to process crude oil into various petroleum products that can be directly produced. Oil refinery capacity
in Indonesia is not enough to process oil (crude oil) products Indonesia, so the crude oil in Indonesia be processed by overseas. An oil refinery has electrical installations for the purpose of refining process that involves the operation of
thousands of electric motors and various other electrical appliances. the role of supplying electrical equipment is vital for the production of oil in the refinery so required a reliable supply. For a reliable supply, oil refinery has power plants. Although it could indeed be connected to the system PLN. In this Skripsi, will be analyzed the problem of power in the oil refinery and possibility central power of an oil refinery in the interconnection with the system pln. So that assist the power supplies in the national level.