Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Susanto, Djoko
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-19 01:17:58
Abstract :
Transfomator that used to step down from transmission voltage to primer distribution voltage in the house station need protection for earth fault,because earth fault belong to fault that often occur.Transformator that give supply to distribution network will feel the earth fault that occur in distribution network.Protection must be selective,it?s mean that it can differ fault between in network and transformator,because most of fault in the distribution network is phase to earth fault,so relay must can detect this fault.Neutral point of transformator must be grounded,either direct or use resistance.Value of resistance will measure value of current of earth fault.It?s mean that it must have more value for setting relay but also must be limited in order to don?t break the ground cable. Transformator that used in distribution network,it?s relay must be more sensitive to earth fault in transformator.So there are no problem about protection between transformator and cable.This minithesis an idea about how to solve this problem by Restricted Earth Fault Relay (REF).