Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Widyawati, Nining
Marsudi, Djiteng
Teknik Elektro
2019-11-19 01:18:36
Abstract :
In a power system interconnection where there are groups of hydro and thermal generation groups is necessary to find the optimum path load sharing between a group of hydro and thermal groups, to obtain the minimum cost of fuel to meet the
operating constraints. The problem that occurs is up to the current hydro-thermal loading on the Java-Bali system is not maximized and also the amount of water consumption for the operation of electric power is not optimal. The main obstacle
in the process of hydro-thermal optimization is a limited amount of water and change according to the season. By considering the limited amount of water is needed a program that used to be able to utilize the optimum amount of water in order to minimize the cost of fuel at thermal plants. In this paper will discuss how to create and apply a program to calculate (find) the optimum distribution of the load on the hydro-thermal system operation as mentioned above. This self-made
program based on the gradient method (incremental cost) which refers to the Taylor series. This optimization using a software program that uses a Java Netbeans assistance.