Institut Teknologi Perusahaan Listrik Negara
Agtriadi, Herman Bedi
Teknik Informatika
2019-11-27 04:02:29
Abstract :
In designing a robot that serves as an automatic car-based microcontroller Arduino Uno. The design of the motion comes two DC motors that can rotate in the differential. Round motor direction using a robot designed at a DC motor driver. To move forward, turn, or backward to use 2 DC motors on the left and right. This robot is equipped with sensors LDR (light depedent resistor) and 2 LED lights as a light Line This sensor has three functions, namely as a detector of passage movement, detecting the destination inventory and detecting the type of
goods will only be able to move. Robot the reference trajectory in the form of a black line with a width of 1.5 cm. sub-systems built on the robot is controlled by a microcontroller, thus optimal operational robot can detect the presence of a supply of goods and can move it to the destination according to the command program.Instructions input on the microcontroller using Arduino Uno application IDE Version 1.5.8 With the drive
voltage of 5 volts on the robot obtained average speed and stable. The success rate of the robot to move goods to the goal of reaching 95%.